
Stranded Colorwork Knitting Discussion
The Tangent Episodes
Series of 17 videos in which I talk about various aspects of stranded colorwork knitting. A blog post for each episode accompanies these videos.
Episode 18 - Casting Off & Weaving in Ends
Episode 12: Weaving in FLoats from needle to needle
Episode 11: Weaving Yarns to add in new colors and finish old colors
Episode 10: Weaving Yarns to Catch Long Floats
Episode 9: Adding New Colors. Finishing Old Colors.
Episode 7: Holding Needles and Yarn
Episode 6: Knitting in the Round
Episode 5: Needles Used and Casting On
Episode 3: Fabric Created & Yarns Used
Series of undetermined length in which I talk about a variety of things from what's on my needles to what critter came to visit in the night.
Episode P - It's been a busy year!
Episode O - more hats and things
Episode N - Hats, Retreats, ...and other stuff
Episode M - Updates and Pattern Release
Episode L: Report om projects and pattern writing
Episode J: Knit the knits. Cut the steeks.
Episode I: The Scatter Brained One
Episode G: The Yoke is Coming!
Episode F: Video Series & What's on My Needles
Episode E: SAFF Teaching Report
Episode D: Talk of Things to Come
Daddy's Request video series
Series of videos walking through the Daddy's Request stranded yoke sweater from yarn selection to finishing and blocking
Design Decisions
In this series, I try to document my design process and maybe a few deisgn inspirations.
Episode 1: a look at a new design
Episode 2: design analysis - two cardis
Episode 5: when decisions go bad
Episode 7: how much yarn?
Aerion Coat Accompaniment
Series of 12 videos in which I talk about the knitting and construction of the Aerion Coat. Series is designed to accompany the Aerion Coat Kit.